He or she think you are unique too
Maybe some people think too much. Maybe some people do not think at all. The middle would be ideal, but you know the virtue and wisdom are hard to find treasures. I try to be a man "evolved". Provo, walk, stumble, fall, pick myself up, I clean up a bit and allotment. Often I do anger. I wonder: What the hell do you want? What do you want more from life? Look around and think about it often ... I can not give me a convincing answer. Perfection does not exist, but it's not what I wanted. I try my perfection. Perfection in our imperfection. That grotesque paradox that makes us feel good even when things did not lash out that way we wanted, but in the bottom of your heart, you know you chosen as well. What are you looking inside yourself and find a serenity never experienced before. That serenity that makes you forget the stress, stomach ache, commitments, hunger, thirst ... the serenity that makes you do things that you had never thought you could and be able to do.
It 'time to deal with my ghosts. The bell signaling the end of the recreation he played. The other came into class and I'm still out. Lost perhaps in situations and mistakes made. Life will always repeats the same situations. Only when we finally have the courage to face, looking straight at him, shouting against: No, not this time ... And this time 'the time you will fight for ever, only when we have exceeded all only then can we leave and turn pages. Win or lose with their ghosts? It does not matter, as always. The important thing is not to be blocked by fear.
The fear of failing, to make the wrong choice, fear to maintain "status quo". This is the real sin. Because when a person hears something inside, something overwhelming, a cascade of emotions, no matter where you come and what have you done so far. It only matters that the life we \u200b\u200bare talking about. It's up to us to decide to listen or not. You can call it God, Allah, Buddha, Yahweh, destiny, fate, to be agnostics or pantheists ... we are not alone.
Even when all seems lost. Even when you do not see a way out and you wrappers in a thousand arguments. The solution is always right before your eyes. And it is simple and clear them, though initially it may seem the most absurd and unlikely.
I said, some people think too much and who does not at all ....... I said.
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